Introduction: Food and Travel

I have always enjoyed cooking and have been cooking since I was very young.  In college I made dinner every night for my roommate.  Married shortly after college, I continue to cook for my husband and children.  This blog was about my personal food journey to make good food for my family.    One of their biggest complaints is that I don’t keep a record of the things they like or that I make them a different way. So in addition to trying out new dishes and recipes, the purpose of this blog was to keep a record of family favorites.

For some reason the original blog did not sustain itself due to either my lack of interest and/or my daughter becoming a vegan.  In any case, I started to use it to record some of my experiences (including about food) in Costa Rica last year and I plan on using it to share my semester teaching abroad in Monteverde again this year.  Now, off to finish packing!

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