Linguini and Clams

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Linguini and clams is one of our all-time favorites and I made it tonight for Grace’s birthday.  I added a half a bag of fresh baby spinach per her request.  I usually cheat and do not use fresh clams, but I still think it is an amazing dish and a lot easier and cheaper with the canned clams.


1 lb. box linguini

2 or 3 cans of clams (6.5 oz each)

1/2 lemon

1 handful of chopped fresh Italian parsley

4-5 cloves of garlic minced

1 cup dry white wine

1 cup of chicken broth

1/2 stick of butter

salt/pepper/red pepper flakes

1 cup of freshly grated parmesan cheese

*1/2 bag of baby spinach (optional)


Add box of pasta to a pot of salted boiling water and cook until al dente..approximately 8 minutes.  Drain pasta and stir with a bit of olive oil to keep it from sticking together.  Heat a large fry pan and add a half a stick of butter making sure that the pan is not so hot that the butter turns brown.  Add the garlic for thirty seconds and then add wine and the juice of half of a lemon.  Simmer until the liquid is reduced by half and then add the cans of clams with their juice, the chicken broth, the salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.  After that simmers for a few more minutes, add the spinach and then slowly add the pasta.  I usually add about 3/4 of the total amount of cooked pasta so the pan is not overcrowded and so if we don’t eat it all we end up having more juice.  Top with fresh parsley and fresh parmesan and serve.


I think this is one of my best linguini and clams and everyone agreed.  Only Alec decided to be a pain and say he doesn’t like it with the parsley when I cook frequently with Italian parsley and he has never complained before.

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